
Life Hacks

8 Dishes To Celebrate The Olympic Games From Home This Summer

Are you lucky enough to be in Rio for the Olympic Games this summer? No? Us neither! Like the vast majority of Brits, we’ll be making do with much more budget-friendly ways of watching the Games – on TV! But, not being there to watch the events unfold in person doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate the Games in style. We’ve put together some of the tastiest traditional Brazilian dishes, as well as a few options from the nations tipped to do well in the medals tables. You can bring a little of the flavour and spirit of Rio to your own dining table, for a fraction of the cost of going there!

Get the Barbie going

A sizzling barbecue is a Brazilian tradition, and for good reason! Frango Churrasco (grilled lemon and garlic chicken) is a classic dish. If you’re more of a red meat fan, Cumin and Onion marinated beef, is another great choice for a traditional barbecue dish. It’s making our mouths water just thinking about it!

If Brazilian flavours aren’t to your taste, what about an American classic, BBQ Pulled Pork?

Not barbecue weather? How about a stew?

It’s not always the right weather to crack out the Barbie, so it’s just as well that Brazil also has some tasty one pot stews to offer. Feijoada, a traditional Brazilian stew, is the kind of dish where anything goes. So, if you can’t get all the ingredients or want to swap out one ingredient for another, that’s fine! Most recipes also make big batches – great if you’re entertaining or if you want to cook something to enjoy for a few days!

China are also tipped to do well, so why not ditch the takeaway menu and give a traditional homemade chicken chow mein a try? This is perfect for a quick, cheap dinner.

Ready for dessert?

If you’re more of a sweet tooth, Brazilian cuisine doesn’t disappoint. Brigadeiros are deliciously simple traditional chocolatey treat akin to a chocolate truffle. There are a great baking activity to do with kids.

If you’ve had the barbecue going for some meat, why not make American favourite, S’mores for dessert? Melt your marshmallowy, chocolatey sandwiches over the embers of the barbecue for a low-effort and cheap dessert option!

For a fruitier alternative, try our British traditional dessert, Eton Mess. After all, us Brits are tipped to do well in the medals tables this year as well. What better way to honour our athletes than with a delicious pudding?!

Feeling inspired? Check out BBC Good Food and Pinterest to find recipes to make all of the dishes mentioned here! Ditching a takeaway in favour of quality home cooking is one of our favourite ways to save a bit of cash and enjoy a healthier lifestyle, too. Check out our Budget Living articles for more ways to cut costs on your everyday spending and for more recipe ideas, follow us on Facebook!

What are your favourite foreign dishes to cook? Let us know in the comments!