
Life Hacks

Four Cheap And Effective Secrets To Staying Well In Winter

While the weather outside is damp and dreary, it can seem like you go from cold, to flu, to tummy bug, back to cold again, and don’t feel well for months on end. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Staying healthy is key to keeping those nasty winter bugs at bay. Give yourself your best chance at fending them off and feel good, inside and out, with our top tips on how to stay well this winter.


It’s the old phrase again, but it’s true – you are what you eat!  Making sure the indulgent eating habits forgivable at Christmas don’t carry through till Spring and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet will benefit your immune system and help you to avoid winter coughs and colds. Try to  steer clear of calorific comfort food and stock up on fruit and veg. Aiming for five portions a day is recommended for a reason, as it’s important for your overall well being.

There are plenty of creative ways to get your quota in, too. Try making  a range of hearty and warming soups and pack fruit into your diet with smoothies. If you’re a particularly fussy eater, get a hidden vegetable hit by disguising veg in your favourite dishes. Add grated or very finely diced veg like carrots and courgettes to dishes like shepherd’s pie, chilli or spaghetti Bolognese. Trust us – with all the other flavours going on, you won’t even notice they’re there!  As well as fruit and veg, keeping up with your dairy intake through the colder months is key to winter wellness. Products like milk and yoghurt are great sources of protein, vitamins A and B12 and calcium, which is good for keeping your bones strong.


Did you know that the average adult sleeps just six-and-a-half hours a night? This is quite a bit less than the seven to nine hours recommended. Take advantage of dark evenings and mornings by stretching your sleep schedule. The long winter nights are the perfect excuse to head to bed early, and taking a lie in will allow you to feel the health benefits of a couple of extra hours sleep, too.

Making sure you get enough sleep can help you to revitalise your immune system and combat those pesky colds that always seem to hit when you’re feeling tired and run down.


The temptation to hibernate through the winter can be almost irresistible, but making the effort to take regular exercise can help improve your immune system as well as burning those pesky Christmas calories that linger well into the Spring. It’s also a great excuse to get the whole family out of the house and moving.

Getting regular exercise can, oddly, actually increase your energy levels, as well as improving your mood. No more winter blues! It doesn’t have to come at a great expense, and needn’t even involve going outside if you really can’t face it. Bike rides, a run or a brisk walk in the park are great options for those who don’t mind the cold. Swimming is also great exercise for the whole body. You could even try out a few Youtube tutorials for equipment-free workouts you can follow at home. This will keep your fitness levels up without having to brave the outdoors.

Explore the outdoors

It’s commonly believed that one of the biggest culprits for spreading colds is exposure to chilly weather. This is a total myth. Colds are caused by viruses and bacteria that, yes, you can pick up outside, but are more likely spread by spending more time than usual in heated rooms and in close contact with other people. So go, get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. To mix it up a bit, why not think about a winter trip to the seaside, or head into one of the UK’s stunning national parks for a hike?

Do you have any tips of your own on how to stay well during the winter? Let us know!