
Life Hacks

Six Heating Hacks To Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

When we head into colder and darker nights, you want your home to be a warm, cosy retreat. But putting the heating on and turning the thermostat up costs money, a lot of money. And with gas prices at a record high in the UK, saving money on gas is more important than ever, even with the energy cap limiting how much you can be charged, it’s likely you’ll see your bills be higher than last year. So, how can you make sure your house stays warm and cosy without breaking the bank? Luckily, there are some heating hacks that can help you to stay warm throughout winter.

1. Get A Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat gives you better control over your home’s heating. You can ensure your heating is off or lower when you’re out or at night, and ensure your house is warm for when you get home. Always set your thermostat to “room temperature” for when you are around.

The recommended “room temperature” for your home is between 18 and 21 degrees. So, although it may be cold outside, you don’t have to have your heating on full whack to be nice and toasty at home. Keeping the temperature dial down can have a big effect on reducing your heating bills.

2. Re-arrange your rooms

Did you know that if your furniture is pressed right up to your radiators, it could be preventing your room from being heated efficiently? When you block your radiators, you stop the hot air from circulating. By pulling your furniture forward just a few inches, your radiators have more room to breathe. This warms up your rooms more effectively and saves you on your heating bills!

3. Reflect Heat With Tinfoil

Using tinfoil to reflect the heat from your radiators is a cheap and effective way to heat your home more efficiently. Simply place some tinfoil behind your radiators, and this will reflect the heat back into the room rather than being absorbed into the wall. Make sure the shiny side is facing into the room, and you will reap the benefits. If you tuck it in carefully, it won’t be on view, and you won’t have to answer any awkward questions about why you have foil down the backs of your radiators.

4. Block Draughts

Do you have draughty windows or doors? There is lots you can do to combat the draughts. Start with moving any furniture that may be in the path of a draught or using larger items to directly block it out. For windows, you can check if there is a draught by holding up a lit candle to the frame; if it flickers, there may be a draught. You can then use draught excluder strips to reduce this.

Draught excluders can be placed in front of doors to block any cold air from coming in. You can also make homemade draught excluders for under your doors and your window ledges by using old socks or tights stuffed with scrunched-up newspaper.

Also, always ensure external doors and windows are shut tight when not in use. Internal doors can be left open to allow for airflow.

5. Use Curtains And Blinds

Make use of the sun’s natural heat during bright days by having your curtains and blinds open. This will give you some free heat! But, as soon as it starts to get dark, close the curtains and blinds. This will add an extra layer of insulation that will help to keep your house warm during the evenings.

6. Insulation

Did you know that some local councils and energy suppliers run schemes to add free, or heavily discounted, insulation to your home? A huge amount of heat (and money) escapes through the roof and the walls, so it is worth checking if your home qualifies for these schemes; you can see if you qualify and apply on the government website, or you can find out more about free loft insulation.

If you don’t qualify, there are other ways to insulate your home without spending much money. For instance, you can use bubble wrap to insulate your windows. Select larger bubble wrap for this and cut it to the size of your window. Then lightly spray your window with water and press the bubble warp to the window, with the bubbles facing the glass. This will add an extra insulating layer.

Keeping Your Home Warm

Not spending too much on energy bills and keeping warm this winter is a fine balancing act. But there are plenty of ways you can keep your home warm and your bills down. Check out how to winter-proof your home to make your home ready for keeping the heat in or have a read of  how to save money on your energy bills.

If you are hit by an energy bill that is larger than you anticipated, don’t worry. There are lots of ways you can get help with this. The first step is to call your energy supplier to see how they can help. As a last resort, you can apply for a loan for energy bills to cover you for the unexpected expense, but this should always be a last resort.